Welcome to Trinity Church
A Local Church Serving Northwest Metro Atlanta

Who We Are
Trinity Church is a congregation serving Northwest Metro Atlanta
Our Name
The name of our church is Trinity Church. The Bible teaches that God is revealed to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit each with distinct personal attributes, but without division of nature, essence or being. This historic doctrine–known as the Trinity–has united Christians for thousands of years. We believe sinners are reconciled to God through the work of the Son by the power of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, we acknowledge that the mission of the church–universal and local–is to make disciples of the risen Christ through baptizing them in the triune name of God, and acquainting them with his whole counsel.
Churches have named themselves after the Trinity for over a millennium. By calling our congregation “Trinity Church,” we aim to express our commitment to the historic Christian faith and solidarity with the saints of past generations.

Worship With Us

Our Partners
Though Trinity Church is an independent church, we are not an isolated church. Thus, we partner formally and organically with different organizations to foster healthy catholicity among like-minded churches. Trinity is a member of the Pillar Network and in friendly cooperation with the Southern Baptist Convention.