

Zack DiPrima | Teaching Elder

Zack is a teaching elder at Trinity Church, giving special attention to preaching and discipleship. He grew up in a Christian home in South Florida, where he came to faith at ten years old under the preaching of faithful pastors. After studying finance in college, he and his wife were members of Mount Vernon Baptist Church for three years until they moved to Winston-Salem to plant Emmanuel Church. In recent years, Zack completed his M.Div. at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he is also working on a Ph.D. in Church History. Zack returned to Atlanta in 2021 to join the pastoral staff of Mount Vernon until planting Trinity Church. He is married to Erin, and they have three children: Ezra, Ada, and Cora. Email:

Jack Schutt | Pastoral Assistant

Jack grew up in Mount Pleasant, Texas in a Christian home. By the grace of God, he came to trust in Christ at a young age through the faithful witness of his parents. In 2020, Jack graduated from Texas A&M University and married his wife, Olivia. After graduation, they continued to call College Station home while Jack served on staff at Breakaway Ministries, a para-church college ministry on A&M’s campus. In the Fall of 2023, he participated in the pastoral internship at Mount Vernon Baptist Church where his love for the local church and aspirations for pastoral ministry grew significantly. Upon completion, he and Olivia joined the core team of what would become Trinity Church Kennesaw. In addition to his work at TCK, he works for Worldview Academy as the Director of Strategic Partnerships. He is currently pursuing an M.Div. at RTS Atlanta. Email: